Family conflicts leading to marital dissolution, custody disputes 和 problems after divorce can all be personally overwhelming, 和 divorces involving significant assets 和 income are even more complex. The attorneys at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 respond with dedicated advocacy 和 sophisticated h和ling of all issues of importance to their high net worth 和 income clients, falling into three main categories: Equitable Distribution, 孩子的监护权, 和配偶赡养费. There may be secondary issues with your individual high net worth or high-income situation.
财产的公平分配High net worth divorces are complicated because the involved parties often share accounts, 业务资产, 投资, 房地产和其他高价值资产. This is why you need a competent divorce attorney to consider carefully how property 和 assets should be separated; which are marital 和 the appropriate value of each. The more substantial 和 complex the family’s assets, the more challenges there are to overcome 和 the more opportunities for dispute. Careful preparation 和 accounting are critical elements to avoiding disputes that can lengthen the divorce process. 会计和估值不是简单的任务, but it is one the divorce attorneys at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 have extensive experience h和ling.
We h和le divorces 和 division of property involving a broad range of complex assets. 点击以下链接了解更多信息:
- Closely held businesses, including S 和 C Corporations 和 LLCs
- 合作伙伴关系
- 投资
- 家族企业
- 股票期权,个人退休账户,利润分享计划
- 401ks, 403bs, pensions 和 other defined contribution plans
- 合资格家庭关系令
- 房地产控股和投资
- 独立的物业
- 遗产和礼物
- 婚前财产
- 可分割的财产
We work closely with clients in negotiating complex property division agreements that protect their individual assets 和 minimize potential tax liabilities. We also frequently work with the tax attorneys 和 CPAs to our high net worth clients. We provide discretion in all aspects of our representation, whether clients are involved in the negotiation, 中介, 仲裁, 合作的法律, 或者皇冠足彩诉讼. 当然,我们是保密的.
孩子的抚养费在北卡罗来纳州, appropriate 孩子的抚养费 is calculated using a state-designated formula. It determines the amount of 孩子的抚养费 needed to raise a child based on the mother’s 和 father’s income, the percentages of time the children spend with each parent, 育儿费用, 以及其他可能存在的费用. When a family falls within the income guidelines of the state, calculating 孩子的抚养费 is simple. 然而, if the combined gross income of both parties is greater than $25,000 /月, the case is then considered a non-guideline 孩子的抚养费 case. 我们将努力维护你们的利益, 还有你的孩子们, 与儿童监护有关, 孩子的抚养费, 以及育儿计划. We underst和 the risk of determining 孩子的抚养费 in flow-through entities where income may not equal cash flow from a business. 主要材料实体, 比如S公司, have substantial risk for an incorrect determination of support issues.
配偶的支持Some high net worth divorces involve one spouse paying post-separation support 和 alimony to the other spouse. 在北卡罗来纳州, a spouse may receive alimony if he/she is deemed to be dependent upon the other party for maintenance 和 support. 领取赡养费, the dependent spouse must show that he/she doesn’t have adequate resources to support his/her needs 和 that the other spouse is financially capable of paying the alimony. Unlike 孩子的抚养费, there is not a precise formula for alimony. 因此, an alimony determination correlates to the amount the dependent spouse needs to live on, 和 the amount the supporting spouse has left over after paying his/her expenses.
If you’re a high net worth or high-income individual, speak with one of our attorneys as early in the process as possible. You will want to receive proactive advice 和 perspective on spending habits 和 lifestyles that affect spousal support. Discuss the factors influencing how your property will be divided. 你的孩子将如何被分享? What are the factors in your 孩子的抚养费 determination?